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“岩母漆”集团总部位于中国.上海,公司分别在华东、华南、西北拥有多家生产基地。拥有一批高层次的专业技术人才,在建材领域已获得国家多项荣誉证书,实现了岩母企业的品牌价值。 岩母以“岩母漆·天然漆”为企业信念,专注于产品的自然美感与生态环保为科研主题。我司汇集岩母创新技术的精髓,创造出完美的建材产品,将建筑的外观价值,呈现出最大的效益。我们将持续引领中国涂料品牌走向国际视野,并期望成为您最佳的合作选择。   Headquartered in Shanghai, China, “Yanmu Chemical Paint” Group has several production bases scattered in East China, South China and Northwest China. Besides of a batch of high-level professional and technical talents, it has achieved multiple national honorable certificates in the field of building materials for realizing the brand value of “Yanmu”. By separately taking “Yanmu Paint. Natural Paint” and “Natural Beauty and Environmental Protection of Product” as corporate belied and research theme, it has been constantly collecting the essences of innovative technologies to create a series of perfect building materials for purpose of presenting the maximal benefit via such appearance values endowed with buildings. And we’ll continue to lead the Chinese coating brand to the international perspective. Sincerely look forward to be your best partner.


企业类型: 有限责任公司 主营行业: 真石漆、仿石漆、外墙仿石漆、涂料、多彩岩片漆、水包水多彩漆、无机涂料、水性金属氟碳漆
注册资本: 人民币 9800万 公司注册地: 上海市奉贤区四团镇平海路855号8幢069室
员工人数: 500人 公司注册时间: 2014-08-28
法定代表人/负责人: 钱银根 主要客户群体: 建筑业
年营业额: 超过1亿人名币 主要经营地点: 上海市奉贤区金海公路2000弄285号
主要市场: 华东地区,华南地区,华中地区,华北地区,西北地区,西南地区,东北地区,海外市场 经营品牌: 岩母
开户银行: 银行帐号:
管理体系认证: ISO 9001 质量控制: 第三方
月产量: 20000吨